Cable Information Systems, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 1st December 1980. The Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc. is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Withdrawal) for this company was 24th March 1981. Peter Nisselson, Seymour Mogal, Charles S. Guggenheimer and 3 others were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameCable Information Systems, Inc.
Company AgentThe Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc.
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed1 December 1980 (44 years, 3 months ago)
Entity Number847587
FEI/EIN Number13-2621930
Entity TypeForeign Profit Corporation

Last Event

Date Filed24 March 1981 (43 years, 11 months ago)


PDNisselson, Peter
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY
VTDMogal, Seymour
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY
SGuggenheimer, Charles S.
80 Pine Street
New York, NY
DMorris, Robert J.
342 Madison Avenue
New York, NY
DSalzfass, Arthur
50 East 42 Street
New York, NY
DSweedler, Michael
405 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY

Principal Address

Address230 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Agent Address

Address300 East Park Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301