Da Fl Homes LLC is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 16th November 2023. Silvestre Rosas acts as the agent for this company. Silvestre Rosas and Silvestre Rosas are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameDa Fl Homes LLC
Company AgentRosas, Silvestre
Company StatusActive
Date Filed16 November 2023 (9 months, 3 weeks ago)
Entity NumberL23000518608
Entity TypeFlorida Limited Liability Company


AMBRRosas, Silvestre
AMBRRosas, Silvestre

Principal Address

Address34048 Soaring Bamboo Path
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Same ZipDownload List4,045 active companies have a 33543 zip code

Filing History

16 November 2023Florida Limited Liability