E4 Enterprise, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 8th July 2009. John Smr. Eldridge is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Voluntary Dissolution) for this company was 26th January 2011. John Smr. Eldridge and John Pierce were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameE4 Enterprise, Inc.
Company AgentEldridge, John Smr.
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed8 July 2009 (15 years, 6 months ago)
Entity NumberP09000058205
FEI/EIN Number27-0578753
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionVoluntary Dissolution
Date Filed26 January 2011 (13 years, 12 months ago)


PEldridge, John Smr.
VPPierce, John
2249 Three Rivers Drive
Orlando, FL 32828

Principal Address

Address3438 Maggie Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32811
Same ZipDownload List5,972 active companies have a 32811 zip code

Filing History

26 January 2011Voluntary Dissolution
24 January 2010Annual Report
20 July 2009Amendment
8 July 2009Domestic Profit