LYNN Haven Dental Specialists, Pa is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 17th November 2023. Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. acts as the agent for this company. The last filed document (Annual Report) for this company was 29th April 2024. Nathan Eberle is the only officer of this company.

Company Data

Company NameLYNN Haven Dental Specialists, Pa
Company AgentSpiegel & Utrera, P.A.
Company StatusActive
Date Filed17 November 2023 (11 months ago)
Entity NumberP23000080796
FEI/EIN Number93-4489424
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation


PSEberle, Nathan

Principal Address

Address620 Ohio Avenue
Lynn Haven, FL 32444
Same ZipDownload List2,145 active companies have a 32444 zip code

Agent Address

Address1840 Sw 22nd St.
4th Floor
Miami, FL 33145

Mailing Address

Address2910 Stefani Road
Cantonment, FL 32533

Filing History

29 April 2024Annual Report
17 November 2023Domestic Profit