Medtap Ai Technologies, Corp. is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 8th August 2024. Medstratum Corporation acts as the agent for this company. Ishmel G Sanchez and Derek L Davis are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameMedtap Ai Technologies, Corp.
Company AgentMedstratum Corporation
Company StatusActive
Date Filed8 August 2024 (6 months, 1 week ago)
Entity NumberP24000051273
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation


CSanchez, Ishmel G
CDavis, Derek L

Principal Address

Address400 N. Ashley Drive Suite 1900
Tampa, FL 33602
Same ZipDownload List9,487 active companies have a 33602 zip code

Agent Address

Address1600 E 8th Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605

Filing History

8 August 2024Domestic Profit